Sculpted in monster clay, cast in polyurethane resin and painted with tamiya acrylic - this boy needs some skin cream and quick!

What follows is an overview of the step by step process of his creation - and then the final thing! He turned out rather nice I thought. Skip to the end for the glory shots if that's what you want.

Quite an image heavy post this - if you're on mobile it may already be too late!

Sculpting the body


The head 


Putting it all together...

Molding, casting and all that... 




And finally...


Thanks, mates. Best pals right?

1 comment:

  1. Hello!! I just finished playing The Witcher for the first time, and my favorite characters were the Rock Trolls! I'm Googling everything I can about them and I stumbled on this! What aN AMAZING piece!!!

    I see that you made a mold of it. Is it possible (I know I'm asking 2 years later hahaha) to buy a set from you? It doesn't have to be painted :)

    Thank you!
    Victor Rivera
