A variation on the paramite I did in 2019, with a more anemic paint scheme. I used a crackle paint from citadel to get some nice dry skin textures.

XCOM 2 - Chryssalid

Look out - this cat has claws!

Sculpted in monster clay, Cast in polyurethane resin, painted in Createx Acrylic.



Finished Figure



I've wanted to make one of these for years - now I have. It's sculpted in monster clay and it was jolly fun, here a some progress photos. (Skip to the bottom for the finished thing)

For this one I used polyurethane rubber for the tongue, just for a bit of extra texture.


Moulding and casting

Arranged pieces ready for moulding

First coat of the brush on mould - from the top

The whole piece is then angled upwards to help the silicone get into that big ol' mouth

Final piece, cast and assembled, ready for painting

The tongue was cast in polyurethane rubber, to get something a little bit more authentic. It isn't floppy but it seemed more interesting than a plastic tongue.

Finished Figure


He's half man, half boat, half squid! Sculpted in Monster Clay and cast in polyurethane resin. The sails are heated and shaped by hand out of plastic - the same stuff they use for vacuum forming!

I'm no character designer, so I was sort of making this one up as I went - altering the pose and so on. I knew he was going to be a man-boat... that was the extent of my planning phase.

Final Photos are at the bottom of this post.


Final Figure

Oh boy! He comes in many forms... Including a crustier metal version. I've got ideas for other variations too, just to try out some new materials.

Rusty Chrome Version