Just a quick test of some paint effects in between some of the bigger figures.

The rust was painted with various washes of brown and then dry brushed in steps from very dark to quite light. I also spatterd some Vallejo Orange Rust on the final pass.

Browns, Oranges, Ochres, Dark Browns, Reds and Purples were used in various quantities to get the (albeit quite basic) effect. I tried to keep it random in order to make it look more natural.

I added some sand to my washes to give the rust a bit of texture. Top coats were then painted atop a layer of hairspray so that it could be removed later.

My cast pieces were also carved into with a dremel tool in various ways to give the figure more of a worn/abandoned look.

adding sand for texture

Finished Figure

The stone wall is sculpted from DAS air dry clay. It took quite a while to dry!