The albino slig is kind of the final slig in the set. I've made an ordinary one and a flying one ( I guess the last one is one without legs?)

I thought this would be a good chance to try a new paint job.

The original slig (which only I am allowed to own and look at) was molded in Mold Star 15 silicone, above is one half of the body mold. Albino slig was cast with Easyflo 60 polyurethane resin and looked a little something like this...

Some considerable time past - enough for my to sand away seam lines, fill any bubbles (a common foe) glue the arms on and make some alterations to the mask. Some original qualities of the slig I sculpted ages ago isn't much to my liking these days - so I redid little bits - particularly some extra detail on the eyes.

Much airbrushing later we arrive to what you see above. Albino's are typically just white - but I thought he could be a bit more of a veiny - raw albino. I did think about having flashes of ordinary slig tones - but decided against it in favour of a more unusual look.

Slig tentacles are sculpted out of super sculpey. Extra details here to, cuts and bandages.

Mask painted and ready for tentacles. For painting - I tend to paint the body with the airbrush and then go in with details by hand towards the end. I paint the mask last and entirely by hand. 

A few veins here, a few veins there... urh.

Usually slig gets a gun. NOT TODAY. In my head, albino slig is an outcast and would instead be made to mop the floors and clean the toilets in an effort to destroy his self esteem. This was a great chance to make a broom! It's made from a toothbrush. For a dirty - used effect I sprayed it with a textured brown paint (it's like paint with crumbs in) and followed up with lots of dark washes of paint.

You'll hopefully notice the breather hoses here! My original slig didn't feature these as I could never get my head around what I could use... The answer was bits of old airbrush hose which I had lying around - I could have used any hose in retrospect......... hmm

And that's that. Having already sculpted the figure in the first place cut some weeks from the project -  and it was fun to revisit and add some of the touches I wanted originally - like a George Lucas to his original Star Wars trilogy (only this time no one got hurt.)

See below the proper photographs of the finished black sheep.

I'm done with Sligs now I think...


