Slark has been sculpted from Super sculpey - some pieces like the fins on the top of his head are sculpted from Milliput. His teeth are made from Fimo translucesent white. Have a look at some of the progress pictures would you?

For the drool a mixture of clear glue and Deluxe Materials Making Waves is used.

The shoulder fish - is that's what it is - has toy eyes which are usually reserved for bears and creepy dolls.

For the tail - which needed to be long and thin - I used a mesh from a magazine rack to allow for a strong, thin armature.

The rock for the base was created by taking a mold of a rock from the beach and then pushing some DAS clay into the silicone mold to cast it.

I embeded some more magazine rack mesh into the DAS clay to make sure the finished 'cast' was strong - I wasn't sure just how strong this stuff was when it set.

Finished Figure


A quick note on the base - For the rock pool a section was routed out and then painted with acrylics - a darker colour for the center and a lighter for around the outside to make it look deeper. The water is Deluxe Materials Solid Water - which is amazing - this stuff sets really clear and there are no bubbles! (as long as you mix it carefully enough)

Thanks for looking.

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