The Slig from the Oddworld Inhabitants series of games is a favourite character of mine - so here is my own hand crafted version made from Super Sculpey, styrene sheet and 2 part epoxy. Molds were made using Mold Star 15 silicone rubber and casts with Smoothcast 305 polyurethane resin.

Each Slig has its own machined wooden display base and a gun so it can get your full attention - they are jumpy on the ol' trigger.

Here boy...




Right side mold for the main body

Result after casting and some light priming

these are only some of the molds required to make one full slig - most of them as you can see are two part molds

two part mold for the gun

Tentacle masters and their molds

Ready for casting...

Some blank resin copies.

the base.